business email setup

Tired of having multiple email accounts over a number of machines with no coherence and synchronisation of inboxes or sent items etc.?

We have the solution for you! Using technology and cloud computing which is available around the world, we can set up a secure email synchronisation service with your existing emails.

There is a once off fee for initial setup and configuration dependent on email accounts and number of machines to be synced. There will be a minor ongoing cost with Office 365.

All your email accounts and folders in those accounts will be available across all computers in the company. All mail (sent & received) will be viewable from all machines.

We can set it up whatever way you choose and have email accounts on the computers you require.

Simplify your business email and get it up and running so you and all around you will be on the same page and up to speed with all your business goals.


We offer the following range of managed IT services

Want to learn more about how JMAC can help you?

For more information, please call us on 064 66 26398