Ergonomics of the workplace: OK


Ergonomics is employed to fulfill the goals of Safety & Health Act         . It is relevant in the design of such things as safe furniture and easy-to-use interfaces to machines and equipment. Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders, which can develop over time and can lead to long-term disability.

Human factors and ergonomics is concerned with the “fit” between the user, equipment and their environments.


Physical ergonomics: Change around

Physical ergonomics: the science of designing user interaction with equipment and workplaces to fit the user. & Wikipedia

Physical ergonomics is concerned with human anatomy.

One of the most prevalent types of work-related injuries are musculoskeletal disorders. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs) result in persistent pain, loss of functional capacity, illness and an increase in absenteeism. There is far more knowledge on these issues today but even though you may provide the correct equipment it may not be set up for the comfort of the person and they may not know the details themselves.

Certain jobs or work conditions cause a higher rate worker complaints of undue strain, localized fatigue, discomfort, or pain that does not go away after overnight rest. These jobs can mainly occur in the office environment, where it doesn’t appear that people are under strain from their work.

Therefore, it is important to gather data to identify jobs or work conditions that are most problematic, using sources such as injury and illness logs, medical records, and job analyses.[13]

From this there has been substantial evidence that ergonomics programs can cut workers’ compensation costs, increase productivity and decrease employee turnover.


WE at J MAC have have over 15 years experience with all kind of workplace layouts from assembly lines to Manning machines to the Office workplace.

Experience that is vital to ensure a healthy and safe working environment.

This can automatically increase the productivity in the office by up to 15%.

We can measure and review your workplaces to ensure that you and your employees are working in the safest and healthiest conditions. ok


An assessment of the workplace includes:

  • seating
  • layout of the desk
  • heights of monitors
  • reach values
  • lighting


We will work with your staff to ensure that they are educated into why changes may be needed, work habits will have to change and we will follow up with them on same.